???option.TituloSitioWeb.grado??? in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism

Degree Basics


Degree in Audivisual Communication and Journalism

Academic year


ECTS credits


ECTS credit price


Faculty or School

Facultat de Lletres

Starting year


Course load

Full time

Learning model


Language of instruction

Catalan (60%), Spanish (30%) and English (10%)

Available places



Guillem Suau Gomila guillem.suau@udl.cat

The degree in figures
The degree in figures
The degree in figures
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Learning Resources
Learning Resources
Learning Resources
Tutorial Action Plan
Tutorial Action Plan
Tutorial Action Plan
Communication Week
Communication Week
Communication Week
Quality System
Quality System
Quality System
The Degree of Audiovisual Communication and Journalism (CPAV), which began the 2009/2010 academic year in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Lleida, the definitive consolidation of audiovisual media studies and journalism at the Facultywhich started in the 2003/2004 course with a second cycle degree.

The degree in CPAV offers a high-level, specialized and professional academic training. Advanced societies require versatile communication professionals with adaptability and knowledge of very diverse processes, although increasingly interrelated. Thus, the objective of the degree is global training in an environment as changing as that of the media.

The degree is structured according to a very clear and pertinent logic for pedagogical effectiveness: introductory subjects are taught during the first years, both in the theoretical field and in the applied field (teaching at the MAGICAL-MEDIA, an audiovisual content creation center); while from the third year on, elective subjects are introduced, with a clear vocation for specialization and professionalization. The teaching curriculum of the degree is very exhaustive in terms of the areas that may be useful for the training of a future professional in communication and journalism, these areas understood in a very broad sense. Further, the training aims to reveal very diverse areas of interest among our students.

Most of the teaching of the degree in CPAV corresponds to the basic and compulsory subjects (168 credits), a good part of which can be taken in English. Students must also take 48 credits of optional subjects. In this last area, students will be able to design their own itinerary (choosing the optional subjects that interest them the most) or choose one of our three mentions: creation of audiovisual content, creation of informational content and creation of content for the Internet. To obtain the mention, it is necessary to have taken 42 of the 48 optional credits, of the same line of content. Finally, undergraduate students must take 24 credits in the fourth year between the final degree project (6 credits) and external academic practices (18 credits), which can be developed both in public institutions and private companies.

It is for all that we have said that we invite you to consult the other sections of this website and to ask us all the queries that you deem appropriate.